'live forever' means that art can transcend mortality. Spreading connection & emotion.
When customised clothes are traded, music is released, or films are published...
...the art becomes accesible. It is shared. It can't die. It may relate a feeling, a moment in time..?
The memory the piece captures creates 'live forever'. If the artist no longer exists, but the art does, it has a capacity to 'live forever'.
lonewolfgang was made to uplift creativity and encourage self expression.
Ione = the individual
wolf = the spirit
gang = the ppl close 2 u
The juxtaposition of 'lone' and 'gang' speaks to the journeys we make thru life. Whether alone or together... You just keep going.
Lone = A Danish name
Wolfgang = A German name
Lone Wolfgang could be a person. Cld be Anyone. Cld be Nobody. Cld be you. Cld be me. Who knows. Who cares. Nothing matters. We exist for a short time. Experience life in unique ways. Then we transcend elsewhere. Somewhere. Nowhere. Time is precious. Love is precious. Art is precious. Relations between people is important. Our relationship with ourselves is important.
We don't sell 'answers' or 'solutions'.
We offer expressions.
I want to conclude this section with some song lyrics that I translated from a German song, 'Morgen/Heute by Berlin Skater-Rapper 'Makko':
"Who do I need to prove anything to other than myself? Certainly not him, her, or you. No matter what happens, I know I'll always have myself. Yet sometimes I forget the world around me, I roll paper and inhale. Take everything you want from life and then please give a little back. Stay true to yourself and others, before you hate anyone. Never compare yourself with the others because they don't have what you have. Nobody can do what you do, the way you do it. If you don't believe in yourself, who will? You can never get there if don't you start at some point. And please don't do what actually doesn't suit you. Please don't get fucked up by what other people say. They haven't lived our life. Please don't let anyone take whats [y]ours.
Should we live tomorrow... or today?"
- makkohatdichlieb